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Colonial Marine Lore: Overview Of The USCM Corps

Colonial Marine lore explanations and theories, including overviews of USCM vehicles, ships, weapons and their squad tactics from both the movies and the Expanded Universe.

Hudson's "Game Over" Might Have a Hidden Meaning

Private William Hudson from Aliens

Private Hudson's "Game Over Man" line from Aliens is the most well-known quote from the movie and probably the entire Alien series. In this article, find out the secondary meaning behind the line, and behind the scenes information how the quote was created.

USS Sulaco: What Happened Before And After LV-426?

The USS Sulaco approaching LV-426

The USS Sulaco is the legendary warship from the Alien universe that was considered to be an unlucky ship already before the events of Aliens. In this article, find out everything about the Sulaco's past and explore the alternate final fates of the ship.

Romulus Proto Pulse Rifle: How It Fits With M41A Lore

The Pulse Rifle from Alien Romulus

Set halfway between Alien and Aliens, Alien Romulus introduces a prototype Pulse Rifle, the iconic weapon used by the Colonial Marines decades later. In this article, find out how this prototype fits with the history of the Colonial Marines and the M41A Pulse Rifle, as established by the Expanded Universe.

M41A Pulse Rifle: History And Variants

Weyland Storm Rifle, a M41A Pulse Rifle Variant

Used by the Colonial Marines across the universe, the M41A Pulse Rifle is probably the most iconic human weapon in the Alien series. We take a look at some of the Pulse Rifle variants that have been used in the movies, games and comic books.

Colonial Marines vs. Alien Queens: List Of USCM Battles

A Colonial Marine Fights an Alien Queen

The Colonial Marines vs. Alien Queen fights only happen in the Alien games and comics, where usually a small group of Marines battles a single Alien Queen and defeats her. In the games, the Alien Queens are used as boss fights.

Colonial Marine Smartgunners: List Of M56 Operators

Vasquez from Aliens using a Smartgun

The smartgunners are an important part of any Colonial Marine squad, offering powerful support fire from the sides or leading from the front. The smartgunners tend to have many kills and are often memorable for their bad attitude, including the likes of Vasquez, Drake and Jones.

Top 10 Colonial Marine Comics

Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War

The Colonial Marines are present in many Aliens comics, often serving the role of cannon fodder to be killed off by the Xenomorphs. Here is a list of the best Colonial Marine comics, including stories where they play a more prominent role.

Colonial Marine Teams: List Of All USCM Units

Colonial Marines from the USS Sulaco

The Colonial Marines use small and mobile units to protect the colonies. These units are the maximum size of a battalion, but usually only a few squads are sent into action. Here is an overview of different Colonial Marine teams, including the one commanded by Lieutenant Gorman in Aliens.

Colonial Marine Ships: List Of Every Known USCM Vessel

The USS Sulaco

The Colonial Marines don't employ many personnel but use massive ships to travel them across the universe. The ships are fully automated and don't even need any crew to man them while the marines are on a mission. Most of these ships are similar to the USS Sulaco.

Colonial Marine Vehicles: APCs and Tanks Of The USCM

The M577 APC from Aliens

Besides their famous APC and Power Loader, the Colonial Marines don't employ many ground-based vehicles. The Colonial Marine Technical Manual has introduced tanks and self-propelled guns, while the comics and Kenner toys have also brought to light a few new vehicles.

Combat Androids: Synthetics Fighting Xenos And Yautja

A Combat Android

In addition to human-friendly synthetics with behavioral inhibitors, several series of combat androids have been produced in the Alien series by different mega-corporations. Here is a list of androids developed for the purpose of expanding the military power of the company.

Colonial Marine Officers: Notable USCM Commanders Listed

General Spears from Aliens: Nightmare Asylum

The Colonial Marine officers are the ones that command the troopers in the field. Unfortunately, most of them get killed and nobody hardly remembers their achievements. Here is a list of notable Colonial Marine officers from the Alien lore, including General Spears and Captain Cruz.

Colonial Marine Weapons: List Of USCM Arsenal

The Colonial Marine Weapons

The USCM packs a big arsenal of weapons including nukes, knives, sharp sticks and phased plasma pulse rifles. Here is a list of best infantry weapons from Aliens and the Alien games, ranked by their firepower and usability against the Xenomorphs and Yautja opponents.

Powered Mech Suits: Protection Against Xenomorph Acid

MOX Berserker Armor

The Predator Killer mech suit in The Predator was not the first instance of weaponized mech suits being used in the Alien vs. Predator universe. We take a look at several different mech suits and power armor from the movies, games and comics and rank them by their awesomeness.

Top 10 Badass Colonial Marines

Vasquez in Aliens with a Smartgun

Continuing with the series of top 10 badasses, here we have a list of top 10 badass Colonial Marines from the Alien vs Predator series. They are the grunts who showed courage, killed a lot of enemies and possibly even came out alive in the end.

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